The Economic Reasons Behind Why You Might Die Alone

Posted by Unknown on 2:05 AM
Before the great depression started, a surplus of food was produced by American farmers to compensate for the lack of food being produced in all of the other countries ravaged by WWI.When those countries started to bounce back the market that the American farmers had been selling all of their excess wares to dried up and they were left with a crazy abundance of food. The crazy abundance of food, the surplus, led to prices for that food dropping. To try to make more money those farmers produced even more food. The idea was if they sold more food then they would make more money but they didn't take into account the fact that everyone else would probably try to do the same thing. Maybe, they did know but they did not have any other option to take. Regardless, low food prices dropped even lower.
 For college graduated men there is a surplus of college graduated women which in tern has made women "less valuable". Areas like San Francisco, San Jose, and Silicon Valley have seemingly resisted this trend of women graduating more then men and the rate of college graduated men and women is more even there then in other places in the US. Scarcity has always increased the value of things from pineapples to corn to vintage comic books it would only make sense that humans would also follow this pattern.
The current ratio is that 2 men go to college for every 3 women but that ratio varies depending on the race of the group in question. African American women go to college at nearly twice the rate of African American men. We are talking about a 2 to 1 ratio. On average, Americans tend not to marry outside of their educational class or group or level or whatever label you wish to give it. Women, on average, go to college at a higher rates then their male counterparts and they do not want to marry those men who have not gone to college. Apparently, the thing that is keeping kids out of college is not only the price but the fact that a man does not have to go to college to get a job that pays a decent wage. A high school degree gets men a lot further then it does women with male dominated industries like construction and firefighting. For women, college is one of the main avenues towards a decent wage and although they are go to college more they still are paid less. The wage gap is actually narrower in part to the fact that women to go college at a higher rate then men.
The ratio really is not in your favor
Women are more likely than men to go to college, but they still get paid less
Why Do More Women than Men Go to College?
It's Not Your Imagination, Single Women: There Literally Aren't Enough Men Out There


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